Locally hand crafted.

We started the Create Series to capture stories of what drives creatives throughout South Africa to pursue their craft. These films allow us creative freedom to produce beyond a brief, to pilot ideas and styles. Often our best client work is influenced by what we’ve learned through creating these films.

Neels van den Berg | Black Dragon Forge

We're not artists... we're craftsmen. Neels van den Berg is an award-winning blacksmith. We spent two days with him finding out what goes into creating exceptional knives. Check out more of his work here: blackdragonforge.co.za

Lorna Scott | Inverroche

In looking for a way to find creative expression, Lorna Scott ended up creating one of South Africa's most loved Gin's: Inverroche. Crafted from local ingredients and still largely hand-made, this is a story of creative craft at its best. Find them at inverroche.com

Alain Rosa | Doubleshot

Alain's passion for coffee goes beyond normal. His absolute obsession in finding the perfect bean, roast and cup is what keeps him going. Find them here: doubleshot.co.za

Marthinus Ferreira | DW 11-13

Having worked under Blumenthal and Ramsay, Marthinus is widely regarded as one of South Africa's best chef's. His relentless approach to perfecting flavour means he will never stop. Find his restaurant here: dw11-13.co.za

Tamryn Walker | Dollhouse

Every piece is made with love. Tamryn makes bespoke Indian sari kaftans that are inspire by colour, style and memory.  Find her here